December 20, 2023


Oh yes! We have to build together the Aviation Metaverse buddy!

What is an NFT? And what is his purpose on MetaFlight?

An NFT is a non-fungible token that can certify that you are the owner of the asset property.
On MetaFlight you can purchase NFTs from the Ingame Store and being owners of them allow you to evolve on the metaverse.
Of course, you can resell, exchange and rent your NFTs to a virtual airline or another user.
And even further, you can even put it on sale on secondary exchange platforms such as OpenSea for example.

Why should you purchase NFTs using your Flight Coins?

No more buying planes galore without any sense which comes to fill a given base that the administrators can modify as they want!
On MetaFlight, NFTs will not only give meaning to the evolution of each one in the metaverse but will also bring a concrete utility.
For example, the aircraft NFTs will allow being resold or rented to virtual airlines.
Each aircraft NFT has a category that belongs to a family of aircraft that the virtual airline can afford by owning the NFT.

What will you earn owning an NFT?

Each NFT available from the Ingame Store has its advantages and they are displayed on the NFT detail page.
NFT will give you FlightCoin bonus following the conditions displayed.And as you know you can purchase with your FlightCoin not only NFTs but online courses and services through our Flight Academy (currently in dev).

Which aircraft NFTs can be used by virtual airlines?

All aircraft NFTs can be useful for Virtual Airlines.
The virtual airline should purchase or lease aircraft NFTs to compose their fleet.
Each aircraft NFT is part of a category mentioned in his details.

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